A Guide On How to Purchase a Professional Owner Financed Property

This is a true fact that there is no secret way to find a beautiful home that the seller is offering financing options. Everybody knows about some of the websites that specifically only list properties that are being sold with the seller financing available. But what about the other 99% of homes that are not listed with those websites? Owner financed property can help you to find the best property according to your requirements.

There are a couple of important factors that can help you to decide whether or not the sellers will want to carry some sort of note on the house. The first and foremost important factor is the seller’s financial background. If they have heavily leveraged and don’t have a lot of equity in their property, then seller financing would not probably on their part. If they need the cash quick, whether it is for a exchange, a new boat or car or to help bail them out of a sticky situation, they probably won’t be interested in carrying a special note.

The owner financed land in Oregon needs typically come before your financial requirements. If you cannot make the deal happen without getting them to finance part of it, they will probably end up simply finding a different buyer.

The next important factor is the market condition. It will definitely help to show whether seller financing is going to play a role is the market condition. If the market is sour and prices are dropping, a seller might be more willing to offer favorable financing terms to help give his or her property the advantage over other properties in the market. If the market is going to strong and sales are happening right and left, you can expect to have a little more difficult time trying to negotiate some sort of owner finance deal.

There is another determinant of seller financing option is the owner’s willingness to assume risk. There is inherent risk of carrying note, and often times the owner wants to completely get out of the property and not have anything to do with it in the future. There are some owner financed land owners in California are selling due to retirement, so they might want to move their equity into something less risk such as bond, or savings account.


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